Caring for a tiny person can be incredibly physically demanding.
This new parenting role, these new routines … this little person needs you to be fit and well. Or at least functional. Functional is also good :)
But that’s not how you’re feeling right now. Maybe you have aches. Twinges. Pain. Most likely in your back, shoulders, neck, and hands.
How do I know this? Nope, I’m not a mind reader. Or a creepy person who’s been watching you. I promise.
I know it because I’ve been there, as a mum of two young daughters. And as a maternal health occupational therapist, I work with new parents (and the service providers who support them) ALL. THE. TIME. who are struggling with these exact issues. Helping new parents to stay well while they care for their baby is my passion, because those cute little ones need us.
So … how can I help? How am I magically going to fix these issues for you?
The answer: I’m not going to fix it for you :o
I’m going to do something much more powerful.
I’m going to give you the information, tools and strategies to fix it for yourself, and carry on fixing and adapting your physical tasks until you’re helping that little cutie of yours move their furniture into their college dorm (and beyond).
What will we cover?
How to do those everyday tasks (like picking up your baby a million times per day, feeding your baby a million times per day, changing their diaper a million times per day … you get the picture) in a way that’s not going to cause you pain or injury
How to use those essential baby devices like a car seat, stroller and baby carrier in a way that works for your body
How to make sure your core and pelvic floor stay happy (or get back to being happy, if they’re not right now), even if they’ve just done the workout of their life. You know, growing and birthing a human.
How to do things in a self-caring way, rather than trying to fit self-care into your day as an extra thing. Because none of us has time for extra things right now.
Whether your expecting your first baby, or if this isn't your first time around, the WellParent online course is here to support you!
Including information on how to keep yourself physically and mentally well after baby arrives, this course is presented in accessible, bitesize learning chunks - so even the busiest parents will have time to keep themselves healthy while they care for baby.
What do I get?
Access to more than ten videos (all 1-5 minutes long) demonstrating how to move your body, and set up your home, to avoid injuries
Written content that you can access on demand
Worksheets to help you plan for baby's arrival (& we're not talking about how many onesies you need!)
Inspirational quotes to help you feel positive during those tough times (because we all have them)
Ok, I want parenting without the aches and pains. What’s the investment?
It’s £39 GBP (approximately $47 USD, give or take crazy currency fluctuations). This is important information for new parents, that needs to be accessible to as many people as possible, so I’m keeping the price affordable.
Nurture Occupational Therapy is planning to release the full WellParent program in late 2022. We're currently looking for new and expectant parents to beta test this new online program for a reduced rate - please contact lisa@nurtureot.com if this is something you'd like to be involved in. We look forward to hearing from you!